MAKOPLASTY is a revolutionary technology in the field of joint replacement. The procedure involves using a robotic arm to assist the surgeon in joint replacement surgery. I would like to give a brief overview of the procedure here to educate patients on this option in joint replacement. We are currently in the process of building a Makoplasty section into the website.
The Makoplasty procedure starts with a patient who is suffering with knee or hip arthritis. When the decision for joint replacement is made, the surgeon and patient collaborate in order to decide if Makoplasty is the best option. Patients should be willing to ask the surgeon about this option.
If the decision is made to go forward with a Makoplasty joint replacement, the patient will be sent for a specialized CT scan. From this data, a 3D model of the patient’s joint is created. The surgeon then uses this model to precisely customize the joint replacement to that patient.
During surgery, multiple data points are gathered in real time and the robot is able to give vital feedback to the surgeon regarding patient anatomy and plan. The robot matches the pre-op 3D model to the data points given during surgery. From this information, final adjustments in plan can be made BEFORE any bone is removed.
Once the surgeon is completely satisfied with the plan, the the MAKO robotic arm is utilized to assist the surgeon in precisely removing only the planned amount of bone in specific locations.
Once the bone is prepared, the robot assists the surgeon in perfectly implanting the prosthesis according to the customized plan for that patient. The robot also gives feedback about leg position, leg lengths, and joint tension forces that can allow the surgeon to perfect the joint replacement for that patient.
The goals of Makoplasty are straightforward. The first is to reduce errors by perfectly matching the joint replacement to that patient’s specific anatomy. By doing this, we hope to significantly improve patient outcomes in both the short and long term. Finally, we want to use the robot in order to be less invasive and thereby allow for more rapid recovery from the surgery.
I believe that robotic assisted surgery is the future of joint replacement and that Makoplasty is the beginning of this change. I am happy and excited to be able to offer this option to patients in Central Virginia.