Total joint replacement surgery in Richmond, VA has seen dramatic change in the last two years with the rapid adoption of outpatient surgery. The term “outpatient surgery” is used to describe surgical procedures where a patient is discharged home on the day of surgery with no need for an overnight stay in a hospital. Traditionally, joint replacement surgery was performed in a hospital setting with several nights spent “admitted” to the hospital. This model is rapidly becoming a relic of the past with the advent of new minimally invasive surgical techniques, anesthesia multimodal pain control, rapid recovery pathways, and the emergence of extremely high volume total joint surgeons who are exceedingly proficient at performing this surgical procedure. With outpatient joint replacement patients arrive at a personalized ambulatory surgery center which feels more like an office setting rather than an overwhelming hospital. Care is individualized to that patient. The anesthesia team is specialized in performing outpatient total joint surgery. The surgery time is typically 50-60 minutes and then the patient is transported to recovery where he/she is allowed to recover from anesthesia at his/her own pace. Physical therapy is there on hand to begin therapy once the patient is ready. Family members are encouraged to be back with the patient at bedside postoperatively and to be present during physical therapy in order to educate both the patient and his/her support team. Discharge to home is then undertaken only once the patient has passed physical therapy and both the patient and family fell comfortable going home. A staff member follows up with the patient by phone the following day to insure that all is well and to answer any questions. Dr Wind and his team have become the unquestioned leaders of outpatient total joint replacement surgery in Central Virginia performing over 200 procedures in 2021. Patient satisfaction has been overwhelmingly positive. Dr Wind will likely perform over 300 outpatient total joint replacement procedures in an ambulatory surgery setting in 2022. This change is redefining what is means to have a total hip replacement or total knee replacement in Central Virginia. Patients are more and more seeking out hyper-specialized surgeons who are able to perform this procedure and get the patient safely home on the same day as surgery. Dr Wind is currently performing 0utpatient total joint replacement at the HCA Boulders Ambulatory Surgery Center located in the OrthoVirginia Boulders office building. Please contact Dr Wind’s team at OrthoVirginia for further questions!