Welcome to the Website and Blog

Welcome to this blog and the launch of our website. I hope that you find the website helpful in learning a little more about me, my team, and the services that we can provide to our patients. It is an honor to be able to work with patients from the Richmond area where I was raised.

The purpose of the website is to offer you an overview of some common orthopaedic conditions which we treat. This is not meant to include a complete explanation of all orthopaedic problems and treatment options…..that would be quite an undertaking! Hopefully the site will prove helpful in learning the basics about many hip and knee disorders as well as treatment options.

In this blog, I will be making posts pertaining to new treatments, controversies, and hot topics regarding orthopaedic surgery of the hip and knee. I feel that these discussions will be very helpful to patients in making sense of popular issues in orthopaedics.. If you have questions please submit them and I will do my very best to answer promptly.

Thanks for visiting.

Best Regards,


Michael Wind, MD

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