SubV Knee

In the coming months patients will hear more and more about a new approach to outpatient knee replacement surgery.  This procedure is the SubV Knee.  Dr Wind has been performing the SubV Knee over the past year with dramatic success.  The SubV Knee is a completely muscle and tendon sparing approach to total knee replacement.  During the SubV Knee the entire quadriceps tendon along with surround muscle is left completely intact.  The knee is exposed in a meticulous minimally invasive technique with no cutting of any of the muscles or tendons.  After completion patients are able to rapidly mobilize and ambulate.  This approach has allowed Dr Wind to further expand the number of patients who are eligible candidates for outpatient knee replacement surgery.  These patients are typically up and walking within 60-90 minutes of surgery.  Before discharge patients must be able to walk independently and climb stairs with minimal assistance.   Most patients are discharged and resting at home within 3 hours of surgery.  Imagine climbing stairs independently 1-2 hours after having a knee replacement!  To learn more about muscle/tendon sparing knee replacement surgery ask Dr Wind about the SubV Knee and our outpatient surgery rapid recovery pathways!

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